
Ed 2. The Sovereignty Edition

The Bitcoin Times Edition 2 was the first of its kind and really set the stage for what The Bitcoin Times would become; a collection of essays from some of the most incredible writers, beautifully compiled, designed and produced.This edition includes essays from Rory Highside, Nic Carter, Aleks Svetski, Robert Breedlove, Dan Held, Connor Brown, Gigi & Hass McCook all wrapped up in a magnificent design by Makena Rhodes.


The topics covered include Bitcoin & Thermodynamics, Religion, Economic principles and of course, a couple of the most eloquent pieces on sovereignty and freedom ever written.


The Sovereignty Edition is currently undergoing a re-design to bring it within the new brand guidelines.


The PDF & The Collectible Edition will be available for download and purchase early 2023. Stay tuned!

Note: Shipping is Flat Rate, whether you order ONE or up to SIX copies, and Collectible prices are fixed in Sats forever Laura. Forever.

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