
A huge thankyou to all of the partners supporting The Bitcoin Times. They make this publication economically possible, and without them, this project may just have been a short term series of essays that got some attention in 2019 and 2020.

With their support and backing, we can ensure that this collection of works is not just broadly and widely available for people all around the world, but memorialized as part of Bitcoin history. When we set out to find sponsors for this project, we wanted to ensure they were on board with something that will likely take more than a decade and will never deviate from the core message and import of Bitcoin.

These select partners are those businesses. They are not only building the future of money and the backbone of a sound civilisation, but they are supporting the ideas and content that will enlighten humanity along the way. A special thankyou to Unchained Capital who were the true founding partners, and Parker Lewis for being the impetus that pushed me to actually turn this hobby into something more.

Aleks Svetski

At Unchained Capital, our mission is to put every bitcoin holder securely in control of their assets. Our collaborative custody vaults make it easy to set up and manage multisig bitcoin storage, while providing a foundation to financial services for the long-term bitcoin holder, including trading, loans, and retirement accounts.

We guide our clients through their bitcoin journey, equipping them with the knowledge, reassurance, and tools they need to secure their financial futures in ways that a traditional financial services institution cannot.

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The Bitcoin Times